A rustic outdoor life in a traditional way.

What is Bushcraft?

We often get the question; What is Bushcraft? Jonas Vildmark’s formal definition of Bushcraft is; The art of manage ones-self in a simple, creative, sustainable and humble way in a wilderness environment.

Bushcraft is the denomination of a more rustique outdoor living inspired by history, tradition and the way of nature. Bushcraft is to live with and off nature in a respectful and sustainable way. Some other denominations related to Bushcraft are; Woodcraft, Woodlore and Wilderness Skills. Bushcraft focus on Knowledge rather than Gear.

If you have good knowledge about nature and how to make yourself comfortable inside it; then in most cases the material nature is providing you can be turned into gear. After learning more about Bushcraft; people’s equipment choices often turn into more natural materials and fabrics.

The kit often includes fewer and more robust items and the knowledge of how to use and maintain the few objects increases. This is of-course beneficial to both the Bushcrafter and the environment. When you feel more confident in operating in the wild, then you also peacefully get to experience so much more on your trips and time spent outdoors. And when after truly falling in love with nature then you also will be more keen on taking care of it, taking care of your home.

Photo: Henrik Wester

Examples of different Bushcraft subjects


The history, techniques and designs of safe camp fires.


Find and manage usable water.


Stay dry and warm using clothing and self-made constructions


Detect signs in nature caused by humans or wildlife.


Read Nature, maps and the compass to find your way.


The understanding of how connected nature, man and wildlife are. Understand the circle of Life and how to live of the land in a sustainable way.


Understand life under water and find food.


Useful plants and threes.


How to use and maintain tools like; knife, axe and saw.


Make use of materials like; wood, leather, fibers, iron, antlers and bone.


Minerals and fire shaped into the steel in our tools.


Of respect, as much as possible should be made use of from the hunted wildlife. Gathering of; meat, hide, bone and antlers. For example, hides, bones, and antlers.

When Bushcrafting you have chosen to be there. Thanks to your wilderness skills you make yourself, in harmony with nature and the different seasons, as comfortable as possible during your stay, whether it is a day trip or a long time in nature.

Photo: Henrik Wester


A lot of good things come of Bushcrafting.
The four biggest advantages in our opinion are:

1 – Environmental

When learning about nature and how to live in it in a sustainable way your understanding about the environment and the climate change also increases.

2 – Health

To spend time outdoors is good for body and mind. You strengthen your physical condition and at the same time your mental health. Nature is one of the most powerful tools to linger anxiety, fatigue and stress.

3 – Safety

A community built on individuals with good Bushcraft skills is a strong community. When a society has the capability to take care of oneself and others in a sustainable way it’s more likely to cope better in our day to day life as well as when an accident or a crisis occur.

4 – Culture

By doing Bushcraft and spreading the skills; we contribute to pass on the legacy of our ancestors. Mankind’s culture is shaped by the fact that we are a part of nature. Our ancestors Bushcraft skills is a gift to our kids.


Roughly defined; Survival is Bushcraft pushed to the limit of an extreme situation. You can read about Bushcraft vs Survival under the tab Survival.

Read more about our Bushcraft courses; click HERE.

Photo: Marcus Brodersen


To share knowledge is our passion as we agree with the old saying; You are warmly welcome to book your course in Our Courses.

Tailor-made Trainings
Trainings and Events

Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter has a solid record of managing everything from big international events to coaching you as a lone adventurer. By letting us tailor your training you get the most out of your time invested in your upcoming outdoor experience.

Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter is today an inspiring network of highly skilled friends passionate about Bushcraft and Survival. Because of this; Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter cover all aspects of Bushcraft and Survival. We connect the right people with the right skills in the right context in the right moment, your moment.

Don’t hesitate to contact us and letting us make your idea reality. Looking forward hearing from you.



We invite you to the blog which is full of inspiration and knowledge from Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter.

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