At Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter we are passionate about the knowledge about nature and outdoor life. We offer trainings, events and conferences focusing on Bushcraft, Survival and Wilderness skills like Hunting, Outdoor living and Crafting. Welcome to follow us further into nature.


A more rustique outdoor life on nature’s terms with a historical connection.


In an extreme survival situation, you need to know your psyche’s and body’s limitations to stay safe.


A hunting education focusing on sustainability, safety, ethics and respect for the wildlife.

“… Our forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers. What they dreamed, we live, and what they lived, we dream.”

T.K. Whipple, Study Out the Land,


Tailored Trainings and Events

Optimize your experience based on your needs.

Manage Knife, Axe and Saw

Handle your edge tools in a safe, efficient and sustainable way.

Sustainable Gear

In our Bushcraft Boutique you’ll find hands on equipment for the outdoor life.

Wilderness Conference

We’ll arrange your meeting out in the wild or on our rustic homestead flavored with genuine food and Fika.

Useful Advice

The Blog is your digital knowledge bank for wilderness inspiration. Here Jonas share everything from nice literature and outdoor news to adventures and everyday reflections.

Know your Limits in an Extreme Survival Situation

During our longer survival trainings you’ll get the opportunity to test your body and mind’s limits together with an skillful Instructor.


Learn different lighting techniques on different fuels in a efficient, safe and respectful way.


We invite you to the blog which is full of inspiration and knowledge from Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter.

Global Bushcraft Symposium 2025

Global Bushcraft Symposium 2025

Global Bushcraft Symposium är en internationell konferens för profesionella instruktörer och likasinnade inom Bushcraft och Överlevnad. Eventet arrangeras vart tredje år. I år 2025 kommer träffen att hållas i Sverige på temat The Nordic Way.Global Bushcraft Symposium...

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Säkerhetsplanen – en hjälp till medvetenhet

Säkerhetsplanen – en hjälp till medvetenhet

Vi lever i speciella tider. Kriserna i världen och i Sverige upplevs avlösa varandra allt tätare, samtidigt som de får alltmer medial uppmärksamhet. Vi på Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter ser en ökad, men sund, oro bland våra kursdeltagare och vänner då det kommer till...

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Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter 15 år

Jonas Vildmark Bushcraftcenter 15 år

Fantastiskt vad fort tiden går då man har kul! Vi känner en innerlig tacksamhet då vi inser att vår verksamhet fyller 15 år i år. Spännande år av hårt arbete, glada skratt och många möten, både med människor, vilt och kunskap.Ökat intresse för Bushcraft År 2008...

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